020 8901 6447

60 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6NP

Ongoing Monitoring

Six monthly or annual independent monitoring of your Investment Managers and Portfolio(s).

Our ongoing monitoring service will enable you identify any areas of concern where early intervention may be required as well as providing reassurance when your Investment Managers are performing well. Includes comprehensive reports and meetings to talk you through the findings.

Our monitoring service is flexible and is adapted for each client depending on their needs but will cover the following areas:

Review of Your Incumbent Investment Managers

Portfolio performance

Complete a full assessment of the investment performance of your Portfolio(s) against the investment objectives, benchmarks and criteria given to your Investment Managers. This will also include comparisons with other major investment managers of charity assets and benchmarks across the main asset classes in which you are invested.

Risk analytics

Provide a study of the risk and volatility levels of your Portfolio(s) and compare these with charity averages, benchmarks and the average portfolios of other charity investment managers. We will also provide risk adjusted performance return data so that you can see how well your investments have performed relative to the investment risks that have been taken.

Strategic and tactical asset allocation

Provide an analysis of your asset allocation strategy and check that it is in line with the instructions to your Investment Managers.

Investment income

Complete an assessment of the level of investment income generated by your Investment Managers compared to industry averages and your requirements.

Portfolio cost analysis

Provide an analysis of the ongoing level of investment management costs of your Portfolio(s) to ensure that the charges remain competitive and in line with what has been agreed with your Investment Managers. This will include a detailed review of the total costs that the Portfolio(s) incur and comparisons with the costs of other competitive providers.

Ongoing Review of Your Investment Policy Statement


Ensure that your Investment Policy Statement continues to match and properly communicate the Charity’s investment needs and advise of any amendments that might be needed based on your investment requirements.

Compliance and best practice

Ensure that your Investment Policy Statement continues to meet regulatory requirements and industry best practice.    

Annual report and accounts

Assist you with producing the wording to be included in the Charity’s annual report and accounts on investment performance, if required.


Annual: £2,000 to £4,000 plus VAT depending on number of investment managers, portfolios and complexity.

Six Monthly: £3,500 to £5,500 plus VAT depending on number of investment managers, portfolios and complexity.

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