020 8901 6447

60 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6NP

Investment Review / Health-Check

A cost and time efficient way to review your investments without going out to tender or running a "beauty parade".

Includes a comprehensive report and meeting to talk you through the findings.

Our investment review is flexible and is adapted for each client depending on their needs but will cover the following areas:

Review of Your Incumbent Investment Managers and Portfolio(s)

Portfolio performance

A full assessment of the investment performance of your Portfolio(s). This will include comparisons with selected indices, benchmarks and other investment managers across the major asset classes that you invest in. This will show you how your Investment Managers have performed compared to other managers of charity assets and alternative investment strategies. It will also allow you to see which areas of your Portfolio(s) have performed well and if there are any areas of concern.

Risk analytics

A study of your Portfolio’s risk and volatility levels compared with charity averages, benchmarks and the average portfolios of other charity investment managers. We’ll also produce and provide risk adjusted performance return data so that you can see how well your investments have performed relative to the investment risks taken.

Strategic and tactical asset allocation

An analysis of your current overall asset allocation strategy compared to alternative models, based on your requirements.

Portfolio benchmarking

An analysis of your current performance benchmarks with advice on the appropriateness of these.

Investment Income

An assessment of the level of investment income generated by your Investment Managers compared to industry averages and your requirements.

Portfolio cost analysis

An analysis of your total investment management costs to ensure that the charges that you pay are competitive. This will include a detailed review of the total costs that your Portfolio incurs and comparisons with the costs of other competitive providers.

Review of Your Investment Policy Statement


Ensure that your Investment Policy Statement matches and properly communicates your investment needs on key areas:

  • Investment aims and objectives
  • Risk profile and parameters
  • Capital growth and income requirements
  • Investment powers and restrictions
  • Delegation of investment discretion
  • Timing of returns and liquidity requirements
  • Consideration of socially responsible investment criteria
  • Benchmarking and performance review framework

Compliance and best practice

Ensure that your Investment Policy Statement meets regulatory requirements and industry best practice.

Overall, the service allows trustees to fulfil their responsibilities to review their investments without taking up a large amount of time or incurring major costs. Most of the information used for our report is gathered directly from investment managers so only one meeting is required, to present the results of the review.

Timing: we usually like to have at least a month to work on our report before we present the results.

Cost: £3,000 to £5,000 plus VAT depending on number of investment managers, portfolios and complexity.

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